Monday, November 22, 2010

What's going on????

Well, it's about time the blogger finally works. I really do LOVE blogging. I am not going to lie. You know though I wish our email would work:( Well, I don't know what's going on with the internet thing??? It's annoying me. I can get on my Mozilla browser but that is it. :(:(:( Well, I really don't have anything else to say... I am excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas:D


WOW!!! From a far it's Amazing how beautiful, peaceful, and tranquil the Earth is. The picture of the transition from night to day is phenomenal. And at night time the world is so lit up like constellations in the sky. Seeing the photos makes one think how fortunate they are. We get to live in a world that BEAUTIFUL. Despite the natural disasters and devastating storms, Mother Nature has really done some wonders. Those pictures motivate me to be more conservative.After looking at the photos, how could one make the Earth one giant trash can??? Think about it...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Do you ever have those times where you know you could be doing something useful with your time but you choose not to? For example: Right now I am sitting in Anatomy class knowing I could be working on ACT prep,   reading chapters for A Push, or working on English homework. But you know what I really don't feel like it right now. Trimester is probably going to be a little hard for me because I'll be honest I procrastinate sometimes. Everyone does!!! You have those days where your just really exhausted and want a break. Really this year that is no excuse for me because I lightened my load because I couldn't handle it all. Well sort of. Classes are kind of hard this year. A PUSH /:( Oh well... And I'm looking for a job. Yeah I won't have room for excuses next year. Yikes. Hopefully the homework load will decrease. But yeah, just sitting here... I decided well I will get on my blog and follow a bunch more people, and think of something to blog about. Yep, that's all I have to say. :P

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Golden Girls

So I have kinda already written about what I'm thankful for. Whenever I watched that video that song "Thank you for being a friend" made me think of the Golden Girls. I LOVE that show. I used to watch it like all the time.
Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia
Dorothy was the strong, strict one. Rose was the gentle one. Blanche was the sassy one. And Sophia was the funny little granny. I LOVE them all. My parents got to see Dorothy in person. Pretty Cool:D

Monday, November 8, 2010


Hey I realize it takes forever to watch that video.
Here is the link so you can listen to the song.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Listen to this song. It will make you happy:) Love, laugh always, and live life to the fullest.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. My ridiculously spread out family all come together and we all enjoy each others company. All of us cousins look forward to the presents. Since we don't get to see each other often we decide to do Christmas together as well. It is nice. We have our traditions. We have a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone brings their usual dishes. My Aunt Nancy's doughy buttery rolls, my cousin Amanda's Italian cream cake, my Aunt Janie's divine pies, my Dad's cranberry chutney, my cousin Jennifer's watergate salad, and my Uncle Jim and Aunt Maria's tasty casseroles, stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes... YUMMMY... I can't wait:D It is delicous. Next we try to burn off some calories even though we are so sick to our stomachs. We have had our annual Dunlop football game. Not the best idea our family has come up with. There have been many injuries. Seriously, I don't know if we will be trying it this year. Then presents come. We are all sooo happy with tons of things to play with, and afterwards the adults share some gifts. They play the dirty santa game. They bring good gifts and gag gifts. It is sooooo fun to watch. My cousin Amanda's gifts always look the best. She is an interior designer. Our family jokes that with her gifts we never want to unwrap them they are too pretty. And then after the gifts the cousins all put on a special performance. We have done dances, talent shows, and skits. The adults are always looking forward to see what next is up our sleeves. I am wondering if this year we might do something based of Harry Potter. DORKS... I know. Our whole family is obsessed with it. This will be the last Thanksgiving that Harry Potter is still playing:( Really sad... I don't know. But remember thanksgivng isn't about the food or the gifts. It's about enjoying each others company and be thankful for what you have. My Aunt Maria makes sure we don't forget that. We have done trees where we all got a leaf and put down what we are thankful for, and we have just discussed what we are thankful for. You realize you really are lucky. So when you enjoy this next Thanksgiving enjoy your family and count your blessings.
I am thankful for...
my family
my friends
our soldiers
my country
my house
my electronics
my school